Thursday 12 July 2018

Stop-Motion Animation Planning

Planning Stop-Motion
I like the styles of:
  • Cutout stop-motion
  • Clay stop-motion
  • Light box
  • Camera facing downwards 
  • Latex heads
  • Painting stop-motion
  • Flip-book/Sketches stop-motion
Story/Plot Line
The story/plot line I would like to create would be:
  • Sweet dreams of a character
  • Short and snappy comedy
  • An artwork process
Examples of some work I really like are
  • The painting stop-motion at the beginning of the Disney movie 'Mulan'
  • The moving sketches on paper like in the anime 'Yuri on Ice'
  • The light box and cutout stop-motion work in an example shown in class
  • The 'how to make a latex head' YouTube video shown in class
I am thinking that I will create this project on my own

I could have a partner but for this project, but since I have been given the opportunity to work on my own, I have chosen to work solo. This will eliminate the worry of getting other people in my group to agree with my ideas, of organising what each of us will do for the project, and ensuring that others will do the work I set for them. 

I also know that next year I will have a group project to create. I will focus on this fact next year, and I plan to work hard. But for now, I will get to grips with how to animate stop-motion on my own.

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