Thursday 26 July 2018

Dynamic posing

Dynamic Posing
Today in class, we were asked/challenged to draw some dynamic poses for our character. The dynamic poses could be used as a cover page to my comic or just practice for the comic.

I showed my tutor some work I had already completed and he said that they were in fact some good dynamic poses. Here are some examples.
This is a good piece of work to show a cleaned and rendered version of how the characters could look. This could be used for a cover page of a stand alone poster, I would have to consider how to add word/information to the page.
This is some paper versions of some old art work I did in semester 1. I can use the base poses but upgrade it to better suit the new style I have adapted to. I will use the image on the left first and maybe not the right one.
This is what I have redrew and upgraded with the silhouette images for my bio poses. I have done the base colour without a shadow to see how they look with their colours. I might upgrade this but this is what they are for now.
This is some art work I have created on ToonBoom Harmony. It is the first time I have coloured the character Oliver Moore in full. I might experiment more with his outfit colour choices.
This is what I have started to create in Photoshop (so I can get the comic boundaries dimensions). I have used the paper version further up this post on the left. I upgraded the drawing style and head sizing. I like where this piece is heading.

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