Tuesday 17 July 2018


I got a Camera in class today
Here is some notes I have learned on how to use the camera

Darker                                                                                                                    Brighter
100                 200                    400                    800                     1600                   3200
Measured in this scale, doubling each time.
f/ 32           22           16           11           8           5.6           4           2.8           2           1.4
Measured in this scale
Higher the number, the smaller the aperture. The larger the hole, the more light that comes in. The higher the number, the less blurry the background depth is.
Shutter Speed:
per second 1/400    1/200    ->   1/60      1/30      1/15      1/8      1/4      1/2      1      2      4
If the shutter speed is very slow, anything that moves within that time, it will be blurred. But with a faster shutter speed, the more is will seem to freeze the frame, like a person jumping. 

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