Tuesday 24 July 2018

Planning the Proposal

Story Information /4
·          Sweet dreams of a character
o   Counting sheep but one jumps out of his dream
o   Two different styles of setting
§  Bedroom /Staged/Cut-out
·         Real and basic
§  Dream /Cut-out/Light box/Drawing/Paint
·         Funny and colourful!
·         Combine different techniques
·         Character; Silver Jewel
o   He is a Child
o   Animation Style
§  Cut out
§  Drawing
·         Sheep
o   Clay-motion
o   Cut-out
o   Puppet
·         Environment;
o   Bedroom setting
§  Animation style
·         Painted
·         Staged/Probed
·         Drawing

Title: Counting Sheep (Working Title)
·         Silver Jewel
·         Sheep
·         Little Silver is trying to go to sleep by counting sheep when one leaps out of his dream. Can Silver manage to go to sleep with a loud sheep in his room?
Act I: Set scene
Silver Jewel’s parents wish Silver good night as they close the door. Silver struggles to go to sleep. He tries to count sheep one by one. One. Two. Three. Fou… Number four sheep suddenly leaps out of his dream and into his bedroom.
Act II: Conflict or Crisis rises
Silver is surprised by his new arrival. The sheep starts to make a noise and mess with Silver’s room, like eating his pillow. Silver continues to ignore the sheep by placing his hands on his head so he can go to sleep. Silver get angry at the sheep and tells it go away. The sheep is saddened by this and slowly starts to leave. Silver then feels bad for the sheep and invites the sheep to sleep with him.
Act III: Resolution
The sheep is happy with this and trots on over to his new friend and hopes into Silver’s bed. Silver smiles as he cuddles his new friend (as his replacement pillow) and finally goes to sleep.

Method & Style /3
3 Artist Models
·         Shaun the Sheep
o   The rounder sheep. Not Shaun.
o   Background inspiration maker link
·         The Little Prince movie
o   Amazing art work, backgrounds, and paper made characters

Examples of:
Identifying/Explaining different Aspects:

Concept Art /3
Design of Characters:
·         Shaun the Sheep
·         The Little Prince
Design of Environment:
Total /10

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