Thursday 19 July 2018

I got a partner

I have been asked to partner up with a fellow student called Rebekka Koesling
She is from Germany. She is so cool

I will take up her offer to make both of our lives' easier :D I look forward to getting to know about Rebekka and to have her possible new ideas with the different culture she comes from to make our stop-motion short film better and more amazing. We are yet to decide on an idea or storyboard plan, but over the next week, we will come up with a short story for us to animate. I did show her some ideas I was liking or thinking about doing.

Today in class, we got to play around with a test run of stop-motion. We were given camera's, shown the settings and how to use them, and then given play-dough to create a short trial run to get to grips with how the software works. I used this time to get used to working with my new partner Rebekka.

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