Wednesday 14 March 2018

Silver Jewel Story Step-Outline

Step-Outline Silver Jewel

"Pharmacist Trouble"

By Bethany Hayes


The black screen faded in and shows a tissue box on a side table beside a bed. Then a hand takes a tissue from the tissue box. Then it shows the usually serious, cold faced, dark haired, 24 year old OLIVER in his bed unwell, coughing and blowing his nose. Oliver sighs as he tosses the tissue away. SILVER JEWEL, a silver haired, 19 year old, mute, shy guy watches from the door way into the hallway looking sad for Oliver. Oliver quietly ask's Silver to walk closer. Silver waltz's over. Oliver ask's Silver a favor and Silver's eyes light up excitedly. Oliver frowns at Silver's reaction but ask's Silver to go to the local pharmacy to get acetaminophen. Silver gets a nervous look on his face but nodes his head. Silver then heads out the bedroom, though the hallway and out the front door.


Silver starts to walk down the footpath and the camera angle moves upwards and shows the extremely wide shot of the neighborhood and the distant city.


The camera moves down and shows the outside of the pharmacy. Silver walks inside.


Silver looks around the pharmacy with curiosity and mischief. Silver accidentally tips a jar that breaks on the ground. Silver stares blankly and sweeps it under the shelves. Silver walks to the counter. A bored and tired PHARMACIST greats Silver. Silver stares at the Pharmacist and then takes his pen and notebook and tries to spell the word 'acetaminophen'. Silver shows the Pharmacist the notebook. The Pharmacist looks at the paper as Silver shyly turns his face away. The Pharmacist clears his throat and informs Silver in a monotone that he doesn't know what the word he tried to spell is and to tell him what it is. Silver blinks in surprise and heads away from the counter to find the medicine himself. The Pharmacist sighs and stands there. The clock behind the Pharmacist then shows time goes by.


Silver Jewel returns to the counter with a defected and disappointed look on his face. The pharmacist ask's Silver if he fund what he was looking for. Silver gives him a silent glare and shakes his head no. The pharmacist tells Silver he could just tell him what he wants. Silver's frown creases but he takes his phone out of his pocket and text Oliver as the pharmacist watches quietly. Oliver doesn't reply to his text. The pharmacist tells Silver in an irritated tone that if he won't speck up and tell him what he wants, he can't help him and he could just go home. Silver looks annoyed as he turns to leave. But an image of Oliver sick in his bed alone comes into his mind. Silver stops, turns around and looks the pharmacist in the eye and walks back to the counter. Silver walks back to the counter. Silver then suddenly points at a random medicine in front of him. The pharmacist stares but says the medicines name in a blank tone. Silver's face shows utter hope and rainbows. Flash images of Silver's stern face as he points at lots of different medicine. His face get more and more annoyed as more and more words are said by the pharmacist in that bored tone. Silver's face looks dizzy as images of different medicine's fly past him with more words being said faster and faster. Silver is on the verge of snapping due to pure frustration as he glares at the pharmacist, but his phone makes a little sound as it vibrates and all goes silent. Silver's face goes very neutral as he looks at his phone laying beside him on the ground.


Silver snatches the phone and looks at the screen. It shows that Oliver replied and the spelling of the medicine is there. Silver shoves the phone into the pharmacist's face. The pharmacist then quietly says the medicines name looking at Silver to see if this is what he wants. Silver nodes frantically. It shows flash images of the medicine getting taken off the shelf, labeled, bagged and payed for. The pharmacist waves ever so slightly telling Silver to have a nice day as Silver heads towards the exit.


Silver stands outside the pharmacy for a few moments and lets out a big sigh and heads down the foot path, back to Oliver.


Oliver is still in bed as Silver walks in. Oliver moans on how he took to long. Silver stops dead in his tracks. Oliver asks Silver whats going on. It shows an extreme close up on Silver's face with a darken background as the music picks up. Oliver repeats Silver's name, muffled in the background when showing Silver's face. Then it shows both Oliver and Silver as we can only hear Oliver say one last time Silver's name. It then shows Silver starting to throw the medicine at Oliver's face but never shows the impact.


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