Wednesday 21 March 2018

Essay Analyzing

Essay Body Analysis no. 3
Paragraph Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen and Nineteen
Analyzing Harry M. Benshoff's, Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho, Is Disney High or Low? From Silly Cartoons to Postmodern Politics 

Paragraph Fifteen & Sixteen
Totalizing theories: The total theory. Everything incloded.
Top-down theories: Start at the top and work your way down theory.
Tin Pan Alley: The name given to New York song writer's that dominated the music industry in the 1800-1900's.
European facism: Europe dictatorship. Power


1) In what way do Adorno's theories acknowledge "a point of potential resistance to industrial culture machine"?
They see the big happy things, that then shows them how unhappy they really are. The possible downside to classic cartoon with Utopian settings.

2) What occurs, according to Adorno, when a viewer/audience engages with a sentimental film? Explain what you think he means by this. Do you agree? Why/Why not?
Yes and No. Depends. It could motivate you to do better with your life when looking at their happiness, Or it could make you sad and give up on 'true' happiness for good. So it depends.

Paragraph Seventeen
Resistant textual practices: Resisting the usual way of doing things.
Pastiche: Artistic work that copies someone else. Could be a mixture or one thing.
Nostalgia: Longing for the past. Wishing for the old times.
Intertextuality: Shape of text. Intertextuality. Inter = between. In-between different text. Comparisons.
Tropes: Metaphor of a word.
Reconceptualised: A new concept over and over. Reconcepualised. Re = Repeat.
Eschew: Avoide.
Pejorative: Express disaprovale
Hierarchical biases: Hierarchy. Bias. Tending towards hierarchy's.


1) Who is Frederic Jameson and how/why is his quote used in the context of Benshoff's argument?
Professor Frederic Jameson is a professor at Duke collage in Durham England. He wrote many different books like The Political Unconscious. and Postmodernism, and many more. (1) His quote was used in Benshoff's argument because it fit his point of view and conformed what he thought. It strengthens his argument.

2) What according to Benshoff have the postmodern aesthetics of textual construction produced? Why is this important in developing his argument?
Ala Comolli and Narboni's films. E.g. Text that go against the cultural way. Due to the 'high art' inside.

3) What are "Comolli and Narboni's Type" films?
Jean-Louis Comolli and Jean Narboni were French editor's who wrote and published two articles called 'Cinema/Ideologie/Critiqe' in 1969. (2) Their type of films were more political than entertainment.

4) Who is J. Hoberman and why is his identification and classification of these tropes in 1940s and 50s cartoons as "vulgar modernism" significant?
J. Hoberman is a film critic. Vulgar means improper, rude, or even someone with no taste. On the website Rotten Tomatoes, J. Hoberman's reviews seem to be very high on the 'T-Meter' with the highest being 'The Death of Slalin' (2018) at 95% tomato rate. (3) This means that his reviews are vulgar to the readers. So Benshoff mentioning this guy is a risky move on his part.

5) What does this have to do with the collapse of the high and low postmodernism according to Benshoff?
Both high art and low art is being combined with no bad after effects. Meaning people like J. Hoberman's reviews are less damaging to the film/cartoon. 

Paragraph Eighteen & Nineteen
Hyperreal: Over real. Exaggerated.
Langue: The french word for Language.
Pessimistic: Negative view on things.
Oppositional Impetus: Oppositional = Against. Impetus = Force. The against force.
Carnivalesque: Carnival nature. A fun fulled festival.
Utopian Postmodernism: Perfect postmodern.
Latent totalized (narrative): Latent = Yet to see. Conformist closed view. Overview. Pretend we didn't see.
Untethered signifiers: Colourful open view.


1) Who is Baudrillard, what is "the code of the hyperreal" and are we trapped in it?
Jean Baudrillard was a French theorist. Hyperreal is a special kind of reality, that is created my models or made from ideas. It leads to stuff being 'too real' with not much mystery. Making it more real than reality. (4) The expectation of having a perfect, happily after, life messes with people till this day. Some are trapped in it. It depends. 

2) In what way is Frederic Jameson "similarly pessimistic"?
Negative. He says that there is no room for resistance. 'Obey every order'.

3) Who is Hal Foster and why is his identification of a postmodernism of reaction and resistance important in this context?
Hal Foster is known as the god father of the postmodern art theory. (5) He says that he isn't sure is postmodern is for or against modern. This is an important point to make.

4) In what way might The Cookie Carnival be read as counter to a hetero/sexist bourgeois ideology? How does Benshoff explain this?

The queen said no to every different stereotypical males of the time, but yet to the classic middle class white male hero. This idea is conformed. It's carnival.

5) Where do you think works that "reproduce-reinforce the logic of consumer capitalism" sit on the high-low continuum? Why?
It would be low. Conforming to the masses.

6) Where do you think works that "seek to deconstruct modernism and resist the status quo" sit on the high-low continuum? Why?
It would be high. It resists conforming for the masses.


2) A book 'French Cinema in the 1970s. The echoes of May'. Pg: 136.

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