Thursday 8 March 2018

Silver Jewel Story Introduction

Silver Jewel
Pharmacist Trouble

Silver Jewel, the mute shy guy, is tasked with going to get his sick friend medicine from the local pharmacist. He must overcome the social boundaries and get though to the pharmacist what he desperately needs for his friend.

Act I
Beginning with the title big screen. The opening image is a tissue box on a side table beside a bed. then a hand takes a tissue from the tissue box. Then it shows Oliver (Silver Jewel's friend) in his bed unwell, coughing and blowing his nose. Oliver lets out a tired sigh. Silver Jewel watches from the door way into the bedroom with a sad look on his face with a voice over of his thoughts. Oliver then quietly ask's Silver to walk on closer. Silver waltz's on over with a neutral look on his face. Oliver then ask's for a favor. Silver's eyes light up and he excitedly excepts the idea of doing Oliver a favor without hearing what the favor was. Oliver frowns but then tiredly ask Silver to go to the local pharmacy to get a certain type of medicine called acetaminophen. Silver gets a nervous look on his face but slowly nodes his head and sets off to get the medicine. Silver walks out side and heads down the street with a voice over of how excited he is about helping Oliver. The camera moves upwards and shows the extremely wide shot of the neighborhood their house in is and the city.
Act II
The camera then moves back down and shows a new setting of outside the pharmacy. Silver is seen walking inside the doors of the pharmacy. Silver then looks around the pharmacy with curiosity and mischief as he walks to the counter. The bored and tired pharmacist bluntly greats Silver with a tired look on his face. Silver stares at the pharmacist blankly but quickly graves a pen and paper and tries to spell the word acetaminophen. Silver stick out his tongue well trying to write. The pharmacist blinks slowing and carefully look down at the paper. Silver then turns his head away and shyly shows the pharmacist the word he wrote. The pharmacist then clears his throat and tells Silver in a monotone that he doesn't know what word he tried to spell and to just tell him what he wants. Silver blinks in shock but shows a determined look and then tries to look around the store himself to find the medicine. The pharmacist sighs as Silver walks off towards the shelves. It shows the pharmacist standing there and the clock behind him, then as time goes by it shows it's been about 3/4's of an hour as Silver Jewel returns to the counter with a defected look on his face. The pharmacist ask's Silver if he found what he wanted. Silver gives him a glare but shakes his head no. The pharmacist then tells Silver that he could just tell him what he wants and so that he can go home and that it's past closing time. Silver's frown creases but he gets another idea. He takes his phone out of his pocket and texts Oliver as the pharmacist watches him silently, but his friend doesn't reply to his text. The pharmacist then tells Silver in an irritated tone that if he is not going to tell him what he wants he can't help him and that he could just go home. Silver looks annoyed and turns to leave but then an image of Oliver's sick face comes into his mind. Silver stops, turns around and looks the pharmacist in the eye as he thinks words in his mind about how he will do what ever it will take to help Oliver. Silver then walks back to the counter, takes the pen again and starts to draw something. The pharmacist still doesn't care but look a little supersized as the paper is held up for him to see. It then shows Silver's poorly drawn drawing of sick Oliver sick in bed. The pharmacist then says that he knew someone was sick before that drawing because of the fact that they are not getting them self and he doesn't know what kind of illness he has from that drawing and asks of it is his girlfriend on a mat in the picture. Silver's face is full of pure shock and rage, but tried to then show the pharmacist how sick Oliver is by pretending to have the sickness he has, first by coughing and taking a tissue and making the blowing sound. The pharmacist's eye brow rises slowly and his face shows utter disbelief with Silver's actions. Silver looks at the pharmacist and then pretend coughs louder and flops onto the ground in front of the counter with a loud thud. The pharmacist suddenly 'brought back to life' rises from behind the counter and quickly dashes round to help Silver, well asking if he is OK. The pharmacist tells Silver to just go home and get a friend to get the medicine because he should be resting and that he must be really sick on how he collapsed like that. Silver looks like he is about to snap because of how frustrated he is, but his phone makes a little sound and Silver's face goes very neutral as he looks at the phone that is on the ground beside him.
He snatches the phone and looks at the screen. It then shows that Oliver has replied and the spelling of the medicine is there. Silver's then shoves the phone in the pharmacist's face. The pharmacist then quietly specks and says the medicines name with a question mark on the end. Silver nodes frantically. It shows flash images of the medicine getting graved, labeled, and put into a bag. It shows the pharmacist waving ever so slightly and telling Silver to have a nice day as Silver leaves the store. Silver stands outside the doors for a few moments and lets out a big sigh and he thinks about all that just happened as he heads back home. The view then changes to show Oliver still in bed as Silver walks inside the bedroom door. Oliver moans on how he took to long as Silver passes the medication over. Silver stands and watches as he takes some pills and lays back down. Oliver notices Silver standing there and quietly thanks him for getting the medicine. Silver's face lights up and smiles happily as Oliver tells his not to get a big head over that comment. Then the image rolls up and outwards as it shows the outside would though Oliver's bedroom window as the image fades out.

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