Saturday 17 March 2018

Character Development Body Shapes

I have tried different body shapes and types
Well trying out the different head shapes, I have tried different body shapes from classic body shapes (normal) to the different head scales from 2 head to 4 head scales. I have also tried different hands and feet for my character, some with fingers and toes and some without.

I have decided that I will stick to normal body scaling (No.1, 2, and 3). Also, I like No.3's shape at the chest but No.2's slender shape. I will next time draw a mixture of both bodies, with a slender shape with a bit more chest build.

I found drawing individual fingers (No.1 and 2) harder that the hand with none (No.2). I will try to put no fingers on my characters design as decide if I keep it for shore.

The characters design will be in shoes so it won't really matter what feet shape he has, but if he was to have feet shape, I would like to see his toes (No.1). This is because it would look better than him always in socks.

My next move is look into the eyes and to do the emotion sheet

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