Sunday 18 March 2018

Character Development Eye Study

Eye Study of Shape's
I first looked at the four main shapes of eyes I liked. I still wasn't sure on what eye shape was the best so I tried the eyes out on a basic face shape I liked. With Silver's innocent personality, I liked the larger eye types (No.2 and 3) the most. I liked the shape of No.3 but the look of No.2. So I combined both ideas into one finial product.

I then realized, the pupils can show just as much emotion than the rest of the face combined. So I then played around with the four different pupil types I could have, from the tiny, scared pupil (No.1) to the very large and sparkly pupil (No.2).

I then decided to try some basic emotions with my new face and eye choice. I think this was a big success. I am happy with the different emotions shown. I will not write what emotion they are, as I hope that they are shown on Silver's face.

I can now work on the emotion sheet

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