Wednesday 28 March 2018

Character Development Biography

Silver Jewel's Biography

Name: Unknown
Silver Jewel is a nickname, named because of his jewel necklace he always wears.
Gender: Male
DOB: 24th November. 19 years old
Type: Human
He gets special powers with his jewel necklace, making him part dragon.
Height: 1.816 m
Weight: 71.3 kg

Long silver hair
Blue eyes
Sharp teeth
Wears a silver jewel necklace
Loose, comfy clothing and a hat


Family: No parents or siblings. Been an orphan since he was three years old,  but does consider his only friend Oliver Moore as his family. His main foster parent was Gabranth Shadowend.

The only thing he has of his parents is the jewel necklace he wears. Silver doesn't know but his dad has a dragon past.

Childhood: Never having a real home, Silver Jewel was thrown around from foster home to foster home, until he was abused and kept as a servant by Gabranth Shadowend at the age of nine. There he was sworn to be forever silent as he served Gabranth. Silver never went to school but often sneaked to the library and taught himself how to read and write. Silver never had the confidence to run away from Gabranth but had the opportunity of a life time when he was nineteen, he meet Oliver Moore, where he fulfilled his dreams of escaping his past.

He meet Oliver Moore by accident when Oliver was driving home, Silver was nearly ran over. Oliver helped him out but having received kindness wanted to stay with Oliver, so he followed him home. Silver is always trying to please Oliver so he isn't kick out of Oliver's home.

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