Thursday, 11 October 2018

Plotting a plan

My game plan

Two weeks ago (I forgot to blog) I came up with a plan to get all my assignments finished on time, because at the rate I was going, it was too difficult and overwhelming to keep on track with all of my work at once. So, I decided to finish all my minor projects (BVA103 and BSA106) 'now' (before their due date) so that I could focus on my major projects. I noticed that my animation was taking up most of my time, so I then decided to focus on and complete my two other projects (BSA124 and BVA115). This was so that when the deadline came closer, I would not have to worry about the other projects so much and could focus on my animation (BSA127).

Pros: this game plan has been partially successful. I have finished and cleaned up my minor projects without too much stress. Also, I have finished building and setting up my stop-motion ready for shooting without much stress either. This makes me feel really happy and accomplished. :D

Cons: this plan has also been unsuccessful (due to stress). I have not completed my comic for I am currently only drawing up line-work for comic page 3, out of 8. I am (as expected) behind with my animation. Sadly, this has been causing me to get stressed (without my realisation) and sent me into my first panic attack during animation class on Tuesday (it's Friday now). It made me physically unable to work for a few a hours, even when I thought I was fine on Tuesday. Now, (since that occurrence) I have been struggling with constant panic attacks with everything I do. I know I am fine, and my body is just trying to cope with the stress I feel, but I am now getting even more behind in my work; it's a never-ending loop. :I

Now, I need a new game plan. I am meant to be finishing about 3 different animation shots per day. It has been 2 days now and I still haven't finished even 1. I have been telling myself that it's OK if I don't finish my animation on time for the deadline, that I will still finish it regardless. I also went to see a guidance counselor yesterday to get some help and was given really good advice. She confirmed that how I was reassuring myself was positive and helpful. Despite this, my body is still feeling really sick and uneasy due to stress. I learnt that if I act really happy and hyper to those around me, I seem to forget my stress-fulled body and feel healthy and happy once more. But this means that I am socializing instead of working.

I am not sure what to do, I was hoping to put my animation into an upcoming exhibition, meaning my animation is due on the 2nd of November at the latest. This means I have a good deal of time that I can use. I will not let the stress beat me yet. I will not plan to finish any specific number of animations, but to finish/start animating. Hopefully this will help me to get more work done. I wish to animate all day today, to catch up on my work. Tomorrow is comic day and then animation again the day after.

The stress will be long gone by the 9th of November. I will get though this :)

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