Tuesday 2 October 2018

MR. shot 29

Here is my process for when I animated MR. shot 29.01
First I created the basic emotion with Silver's face, without any added shape change (stretch). With this completed, I could time when to stretch and contract the facial expressions and head shape.
Then I added some stretch and contraction to Silver's head and facial expressions. This gives Silver more exaggeration to his expressions and gives him a less static look and a more pleasing animation to view without alterations.
Next, I gave Silver his body and arms. I animated Silver's arms to move back and forward, to show that he is multi-tasking by holding up multiple items outside of screen.
When I finished that I moved onto animating Silver's hair. I started with his cute unique hair flick. I animated the hair flick to wave along with Silver's future movements not yet animated.
I could now finally animate the rest of Silver's hair and his swaying movement. I animated his hair to suddenly spike outwards to emphasize his shock and horror. His hair also sways with his movement. The movement really shows how busy Silver is and also how unsteady he is as he sways side-to-side.
All I had to complete now was the background. Once this was finished, I had completed the scene. I am now happy with what I have accomplished and achieved.
I found these steps a good way to animate similar scenes fast and efficiently. I will be using these steps as a guide for how to animate Silver in future scenes.

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