Thursday 18 October 2018

Artist Statement

Artist statement
Bethany Hayes
Visual Arts
Year 1 Diploma in Animation

Friendship, Brotherhood, Bromance or Romance
Digital concept art, Photoshop
Friendship, Brotherhood, Bromance or Romance? What does it take to view others’ relationships differently?
Through artistic drawings, I am experimenting to see whether body language/positioning influences how the bond between these two characters are viewed. From working drawings to finished concept art, I want to find the factors that define what a friendship or a romantic relationship are. The key factors I like to focus on are the facial expressions of each character along with how the characters interact with each other though physical contact or posture.
The reason I am creating this experiment is to either confirm or disconfirm my own view about why other people will view the relationship between the characters differently. My own understanding is that the views of the different types of relationships seen are based upon the viewer’s own experiences/idea of relationships in general. Using myself as an example, I view the characters’ relationship as a close friendship/brotherhood. This is due to the very close relationship I have with my own triplet sisters. While others might view them as being in a romance due to the similar closeness that they have experienced with their partner, rather than a sibling or best friend.
With this viewpoint in mind, what relationship do you view the characters in… and do you know why?

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