Wednesday 17 October 2018

2D Sheep

Rebbekka and I have started to film our stop-motion. We started with filming the first 2 scenes in our animation, when Silver's bedroom door is closed and he is counting the sheep.
I will update more information about this experience later on with all my other research. I have photos of our process when creating our props and characters, Silver and Sheep.
Rebbekka is responsible for booking the camera and utilising 'Dragonframe', as she has a lot more knowledge about this software. My role is to move our characters and animate the 2D scene when Silver is counting the sheep.

Here is the beginning stages of the short animated clip:

I will be repeating the animated sheep multiple times instead of redrawing a different sheep over and over. At first, Rebbekka and I were going to have a simple walk cycle for the sheep, to simply walk across the screen. We have now changed our minds and have changed the walk cycle into a leaping cycle, where the sheep leaps forward and out of screen.

I am really happy with how our partnership fits and works out so well for both of us. We both enjoy each other's company and have become close friends :) 

We will continue and finish filming our stop-motion this Friday

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