Thursday, 21 June 2018

Storyboard class brief

This is the last day of Storyboard class. Here is a summery on what I achieved in this class

The Class Tasks;
Learning Storyboard Pro
I was introduced to the amazing program called Storyboard Pro. It took me a while to get the grips on how to use the program, and I was unsure about drawing on it at first, but as I had to use it more and more, I got the idea. With this program, I learned how to split panels, to change the camera angles by zooming in or outwards. The drawing aspect was a lot like Photoshop, but I could animate some panels. There is so much I could say more an what I have learned but I will move on. 

I would recommend using this program for any kind of animation of any sort. It's just amazing.

Script Writing
I found this part hard to start to do. Once I got started, it was hard to stop. I am happy with the story I made, and I am happy for my reader writer for helping me correct my grammar and spelling. I found it fun to image the story on what it could look like an animation in my head. It was good for me to learn how to set out the script writing professionally. 

Voice actors and sound effects
It was hard to get voice actors but really fun to create the music and sound effects. I created my own music with my sister to get my own unique music. Once I got the voice actors I was all good. I am yet to learn the programs my tutor used but its OK.

Drawing the animatic
This took the longest time. I was hard to just keep drawing and I did it. Once I had the drawings done, I was set. But getting them done took a lot of discipline and energy to do. I did find that when I was finished the drawings and doing camera angles and timing, others were still drawing.

Self Evaluation;
Time management
I made sure to use a lot of my own time to do the work I needed to do. During the entire class, I did most of my work in my own time, well still using the set time giving in class to work. I had very good time management skills in this class.

At the start of this new assignment, I told myself I would try harder to use my time wiser. I did. I avoided the mistake I made on the last assignment by not checking what was due and when. I knew what was due, when I should get it done by, and how (due to class time).

I was very bad at blogging about what I was doing and when. I am updating my blog now, but I should have been updating it as I was learning new things. Because it is now a much larger task to try to state what I have learned all at once. Next time, I will put more effort into blogging about struggles or trials I had over came and how. I was to caught up with doing the project instead of documenting what I was doing.

What I am proud of
I am very proud of my animatic. I can see how doing all those extra hours in my spare time was worth it. I am motivated to continue working in my own spare time with all my assignments now because of how well this went. I like the sound effects I have in the animatic and I like how nice the drawings are in it. I am also proud of my time management skills

What I need to improve on
I should improve my time spent on blogging. I didn't really do any of it until now which is a let down. I will improve this by next semester.

I will miss this class and I am happy what what I have learned and achieved. Goodbye BSA125.

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