Friday 15 June 2018

Finished Walk cycles

These are the finished walk cycles
I have the front view finished first. This includes secondary motion with the hair and jewel. I found this pretty simple and easy to achieve. Now the side view. I have done the side view. I found that making the secondary motion with this view was very hard to achieve. But I did my best.
I have now also finished the 3/4 view now. This was not as hard to draw as the side view but not as easy as the front view. I find that I am better an animating the front view. Especially with the secondary motion added as well.
 Now I have finished the walk cycle's for my character Silver Jewel

I have learned that I should not waste time with planing how to draw the character but instead just do it, when I know I can. But this is all just me learning and getting better.

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