Friday 31 August 2018

Arm rigging

Today I learnt about one form of animation called rigging (puppet animation)
I have (for one arm) three different layers to rig: upper arm, forearm and hand.
Here are some pictures and notes of my process on rigging an arm

Cut-out Rigging
Round the edges to have no breaks
Never animate on the drawing, always a peg. Always.
To have a chain movement. Move the peg-drawing and link it to the other part
E.g. Hand onto the forearm. Forearm onto the upper arm
Cell replacement to achieve more detail
E.g. As arm flexes, muscle builds

Deforma Rigging
Set the bone with the green buttons
To get ‘bones’ click on the orange/brown box
Separate parts like hands and feet to connect to the bone with Kinematic Output
Can get a ‘noodle’ effect or more traditional.
Can stretch the part out
Can be good to use for eyebrows
Can be used to fake foreshortening for leg movement (walking forward)
Must move the ‘hand’ behind the ‘arm’ with the 3D function

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