Sunday 6 May 2018

Flying Character

Instead of creating/drawing a bird of some sort for me to animate flying with, I have used my own character being half dragon to fly.
This was fun to draw
When drawing, I took in account the fact that when the wings are being pulled back upwards, that there is nothing pushing the character upwards. This means that in that short place of time, the character must drop back down, only to be pushed back up again. I also added the secondary effects on the characters hair and shoulders when animating this. I did this because the hair will not be just be stiff, it will bounce upwards and then downwards. The same with the shoulders. They bounce up and down, according to gravity and secondary effect. Also, the wings are very flexible and agile. It is not rigged, it instead has a nice flow and smooth way of moving. they are not like arms 

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