Sunday 20 May 2018

BSA Code-Balance

BSA Code - Balance
There are many different codes with the BSA (Broadcasting Standards Authority).

From the Website. I found two stories were balance was upheld and not upheld.


Institute of Environmental Science & Research Ltd and CanWest TVWorks Ltd - 2007-015

Let Us Spray. Special TV3 investigation into the effects of the chemical 2,4,5-T in New Zealand interviewed residents of Paritutu who believed that various illnesses and birth defects in their families were a result of exposure to the chemical. Balance, fairness, upheld. Accuracy, one point not upheld, all other aspects subsumed. Orders (broadcast of statement, $11,250 costs to complainant).

Not upheld

Prime Minister (Rt Hon Helen Clark) and 4 Others and TV3 Network Services Ltd - 2003-077–081

3 News Special. Interviews with Nicky Hager and Prime Minister about issues raised in Hager’s book "Seeds of Distrust". Upheld: balance (government accountability); accuracy (approach to interview with Prime Minister in comparison with the interview with Mr Hager); fairness (presentation of programme, as Prime Minister not advised of source of allegations and the accuser was interviewed in an earlier section of the programme). Not upheld: balance (science aspect); accuracy (statement that Prime Minister declined her earlier offer to do another interview); fairness (preparation of programme, conduct and style of interview). 
Orders: Broadcast of statement; contribution of $11,000 towards legal costs; payment of costs to the Crown of $14,000.

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