Thursday 12 April 2018

Different ways to colour

I did a drawing on paper and decided to experiment with different ways to colour it

This is the base, pencil sketch of the drawing. I didn't know how I should colour it so I photocopied it and colored, shaded, and inked the drawing. First I outlines/inked the lines.

I thought that this was a good start, but I wanted to show that his face was not flat. I wanted to shade and shape his face a lot more than this. So next I shaded his shape with a pencil.
I was very happy how I could see the depth in his face, and get a small idea on the different colours darkness and how they contrast with his pale skin. But I then wanted to see his colour. His bright and shining eyes and silver hair. The very aspects that make him very unique.
I really like this. I am satisfied with how the colours look and stand out. The depth is there, the constant with the skin colour with the blues. I was still experimenting though. So I got some sharpies and colored the next piece with no black lines. 
I still like the depth, but I found the colours to bold, and that I had less control on the colours. The sharpies did bleed out from a nice clean line more often than I would have liked. But its still a really good piece with a different style and feel. I added some random lines beside him in this. I think that this is a nice effect. Kind of mysterious. This was the last experiment I drew.

I learned that I prefer to have control over the look and colours. I like having depth to my drawing as well as a nice clean line. Also to have the option to make it either soft of bold, not just bold. Maybe in my next experiment, I will do a Photoshop version of this drawing. Thanks for reading.

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