Monday 10 September 2018

Colour scene

I decided to finally sort out the background colours for my animation 'The Morning Rush'
After researching some ideas and references into what modern interior designs look like, I came up with the following colours for this scene:
I attempted to have the interior colours suit the character Oliver more than Silver, due to the house being owned by Oliver, not Silver. The struggle for me was to figure out how much or little colour I must add into the background to make sure the character Oliver stands out from it. I will be upgrading my line work in ToonBoom, to give the characters more foreground to have them stand out from the background.

This is just a test, I will clean-up the colours when it comes time to animating this scene. With the backgrounds, I plan to create the background separately from the actual scene in a different ToonBoom file. This is so that I can use the library tool function to drag and drop my background in where the different scenes with the same angle/shot are present.

This is the same technique I am using with Oliver's dialogue. I have already drawn up his face and every mouth/eye shape he could possibly have, so that I do not have to keep on redrawing the same features over and over.

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