Saturday 24 February 2018


What is Parody?

Parody is a model of a particular style the writer, artist, or genre with is purposely exaggerated for a comic effect. It is also a version of something that falls short of the original.
Image result for Police Academy
5 Popular Examples of Parody with Films
The first example is Police Academy (1984). This movie is a spin off the classic police films of the 1980's. This American comedy is basically about what would happen if a mayor would loosen their grip on who can join the police force. 1)

Related imageThe second example is Austin Powers (1997-2002). This movie is a spin off the James Bond films. This is a funny spy action movie about Austin Danger Powers and the adventures that he goes on. 2)

The third example is Spaceballs (1987). This movie is a spin off the Star Wars films. This funny space fantasy is instead about power but about air on the planet spaceball. The princess of air rich Druidia is in danger until a hero with his half dog, half man partner come to her aid. 3) 
Image result for Spaceballs

Image result for Blazing SaddlesThe forth example is called Blazing Saddles (1974). This movie is a spin off American Western films. This film makes fun of the Western movies of the time. It is about a new sheriff of a small town about to be destroyed for a new railway road. 4)

Image result for Young FrankensteinThe final example is called Young Frankenstein (1974). This was a spin off the classic monster films. It funny horror film is a story about Dr. Frederick Frankenstein's monster he makes himself. 5)

Thank You for Reading


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