Friday 16 February 2018

Investigating YouTube

Today I decided to investigate into different online YouTube videos to get a better idea on what sort of story I could do for my first year of animation.

I started this investigation with the YouTuber TheOdd1sOut's.

I am looking for how he show's his flashbacks/memories and how he tells his own story with the character 'specking' his words. The idea the character telling/narrating their own story is a pretty cool idea for me. This is like Tangled, Flinn Rider telling his story at the beginning.
This YouTuber is also showing me a basic yet effective way to draw characters.

Here are some links to what I have watched.
Work Stories (sooubway) - YouTube
Annoying Customers - YouTube
Sooubway Part 3 - YouTube
My Teachers - YouTube
My Poetry Teacher - YouTube
Top 10 Things That Keep Me Awake at Night - YouTube

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