Thursday 8 November 2018

Comic in hand

I have been given the three comic book for my class (I traded one of them for one copy of the other classes comic).
It's so cool to see it in a book.

I have learned new tricks with drawing up a page. The trim and rim line are not borders. There is still comic space after them. So it does not have a white border. I did not know this. And now the messy, unclean is visible on my comic. Yay... I have learnt my lesson for next time.

With reading my other classmates comics, I was able to reflect on how my comic turned out. I like how my comic has nice colour sceeems which seems to stand out from the other comics which are only black and white, with some colours. I could experiment with wordless comics or comics about different things, as sides from people. I will do some planning over the holiday's.

Animation on the Big Screen

I saw my Animation 'The Morning Rush' on the big screen in the film and animation exhibition 'Think & Create'.
It was so cool, scary to see it up there.

This has let my reflect on what I had achieved with my animation. Even though my animation was viewed among the PG13 films (I was very shocked and worried people would think differently of my animation. I did watch people leave the room, giving me less views.) I did receive a great reaction from the audience from chuckles and genuine laughter. This warmed my heart, being able to let/make people smile. That was all I wanted to achieve, smiles. I had a few people like Tutor Ruby and Tutor Chris come up to me and tell me that I did a good job. This both excites and terrifies me about next year, but that is a good thing isn't it? Along with my animation, I was able to view others animation and films, giving me more ideas and inspirations for what I could aim for and achieve with my future animation. 

I can see what I could improve on with my animation, to finish sooner and be able to have time to play around with special effects in 'After Effects' like lighting and wind, etc. Also, I would like to experiment with different stories I could tell next year, as well as normal people. There were some edit features I could have improved on but that will be a a goal for next year. I will work more on my animation ideas over the holiday's to get a head start on next year. This will give a lot of time to plan and come up with lots of possible ideas I can use and experiment with. I'll also see about upgrading my art style, though I am happy to have found one, people more often than not think that it is an anime style. My style is influenced by some anime, but is not anime. The only ideas I took from anime was the style of eyes they have and jaw lines. Everything else I would have thought I created myself. Oh well.

This will be my last post for this class. Thank you Rachel Mann for being such a lovely Tutor

Sunday 4 November 2018

Finished Animation

I have finished and rendered my animation.
The file is to large to put onto my blog but I am very happy with the animation being finished. :D

Finished Comic

I have finished and handed in my comic. I am very happy with the end result. I look forward to seeing the comic printed out. Here is my finished comic :D

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Summary of stop-motion

Creating the character Silver and Sheep were fun to make, though there were some battles I faced, but came out on top and finished the stop-motion.

Here are some images of our progress when creating the set and characters. I started with the main character, Silver. After making the head, I moved on to sowing up his pj's. Since I was already sowing, I also sowed up the bed covers. When both pj's and bed covers were cleaned up and finished, I sowed the pillow as nicely as I could, although was rough on the back.

With all that complected, I then started to scope the hair, like a wig at first. I made the head on a saprate ball that was a similar size to the head already made. When the hair had the basic shape, I twisted wire and started the sheep. I went back to stylizing the hair a lot more when I placed it on Silver's head.

Now with Silver's head done, I could trial how I would attach the head and body together. My partner Rebekka took care of the sheep, and I didn't take any photos, but by using a sponge base, the sheep was nice and light with a big round body. I gave Silver his hands and neck. He was finished. I mouths and eyes were done last. Little Silver and sheep was done.

Came time to film
One of the biggest problems Rebekka and I faced while shooting the animation was when the sheep head and tail fell of lots. This was hard to work with. Also, when filming, Silver's head was really heavy and hard to hold up for the scenes when Silver sat upwards. He fell over a lot of times when shooting, making the animation not as smooth as I would have liked. But with the power of teamwork and last minute thinking, we attached a stick behind Silvers head to act as a lever/support. With the head and tail for the sheep being clay based, it was easy to reattach. It was just annoying. Rebekka was the one on the computer while I moved the characters little.
Reflection Time
I know that, if I was to create another stop-motion, I would consider the characters mass a lot more so that if they have to sit up, walk, leap, it would be as such as an issue as it was when animating this time around.
Also, I am very happy to have been able to have Rebekka as my stop-motion partner, as will be very sad when she leaves to the North Island and then back to her home in Germany. I could never ask for a better partner.
Another thing I would want to change if animating is to try to take more information with how to use the camera myself, as I still don't much experience or knowledge.
The lip-syncing was easy to animate but a nightmare to sync with timing. The lip-syncing doesn't always match up with the sound and it creates a bad look for our animation. It matched enough so that some would not notice.

Stop-Motion animation

Rebekka and I have finished our stop motion project. Here is the finished animation.

Thursday 25 October 2018


Day One Results of my Research Project.
My project is a huge success. My theory has been proven correct as, when I spoke to some patisapants of my project, they all come up with different and unique reasons for the characters relationship being what they viewed it as. Here are the current results and percentages.

Friendship 46 - 27%
Brotherhood 45 - 26%
Bromance 39 - 23%
Romance 42 - 24% (Maybe)

I have been made aware that the results for the 'romance' category has not been taken seriously, as both others and myself have seen my own class mates (who strongly believe in them being gay) taking a large handful and dumping it all in the romance jar. This gives off incorrect results. I had eye witness notify me that the jar had about 6 or 7 marbles inside, then one minute later magically has about 30. This is disappointing but its OK.

Also, here are some comments from some of the partisapants for two different category's (different from my classmates)

Friendship - "Of coarse their just friends, it's the most logical answer. First off, their both guys, and second off, one treats the other like how I treat my best friend. Coldly for a joke. I mean, I am not being cold to my friend to be mean, it's just who I am and my friend is a close friend of mine. It's more for a joke or something. But how could these two be anything else really? They do not seem to be in a romantic relationship at all, like, their not kissing or looking happy with each others presence, well one kinda is. I don't know. Them being friends is the most logical answer you see. Ya? Good."

Brotherhood - "I can tell. They must be bothers. I mean, one is obviously the annoying one. The other one seems to be having to be putting up with the other one. The only reason the smart one wouldn't kick him to the curve is because their brothers. Siblings will be siblings and more often than not, my sibling is annoying me at some point, and that character has the same face I used to have when they did. Their close, but not close enough. If they were romantically involved with each other, they would both have to be happy with each other, and looking into each others eyes and stuff like me an my hobby does some days. Nah, they are diffidently brothers. No other reason."

Extra information I found
These random people were asked by myself if they interact with the internet often, played a lot of video games, or watched a lot of YouTube/anime. Both responded, no. I asked this because I am aware that my classmates do interact with the internet a lot, game and watch anime, etc. This makes me think about if the people who are influenced by the internet have been given a new prespetive of how people 'should' interact and if they have relationships. These classmates introduced me to what they call 'Shipping' and 'Canons'.

Basically, 'shipping' is when two characters are 'shipped' together as, probably having a romantic relationship. They can 'ship' anyone together, when they don't have that kind of relationship. People will even 'ship' two male friends together for interacting a lot. A 'canon' is when the authors of the series that contained the two 'shipped' characters reveals that the two character have just started or are in-fact dating/romantically involved. So have a canon, the two characters announce that their dating, 'kiss' on screen or get married.

This is an interesting idea that I could dive into on a different day


I have set up my exhibition space in the RAW Gallery. This was very exciting for me, and also watched a few debits about which category was the 'logical/right' one. Every jar, last time I checked, already had quite a few marbles placed inside.

This excites me greatly as this already seems to prove the theory I had created. This is because different people have multiple different interpretations of what the characters relationship is. I look forward to checking the results I gather later. 

Here are some photos of my set-up.