Thursday 8 November 2018

Comic in hand

I have been given the three comic book for my class (I traded one of them for one copy of the other classes comic).
It's so cool to see it in a book.

I have learned new tricks with drawing up a page. The trim and rim line are not borders. There is still comic space after them. So it does not have a white border. I did not know this. And now the messy, unclean is visible on my comic. Yay... I have learnt my lesson for next time.

With reading my other classmates comics, I was able to reflect on how my comic turned out. I like how my comic has nice colour sceeems which seems to stand out from the other comics which are only black and white, with some colours. I could experiment with wordless comics or comics about different things, as sides from people. I will do some planning over the holiday's.

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